Sunday, September 18, 2016



“What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace.”― John Wesley.   In that short sentence it is possible to understand the potential surrender of the United States, to some as-yet unnamed enemy.   Between a feckless government spanning several generations, and the relatively new thing called political correctness, one can trace the downward spiral of imagination, power, and moral fortitude that the United States used to have.   My parents brought me up in The Great Depression, and so my values are different from my children’s.   Their generation was brought up on Dr. Spock and his theories…many of which have proven to have been more harmful than good.   Perhaps their values are better than mine, I don’t know…I just know that they are different.   Recalling that first sentence, and if you will look around with an objective pair of eyes, don’t you see that America has changed?
Politics is supposed to be the business of running governments…but it has morphed into something completely different.  Now it is the home of men and women who’ve made a career out of not working at something we can recognize as a job.   Originally members of the United States Congress were supposed to go to Washington, do their job and when their term was over, return back to their own community and take up their lives where they left off.   Somewhere along the way all that changed.   We have people in Congress that are celebrating thirty and forty years in their seats.   They’ve established a fiefdom and rule over it as a king might have in the olden days.   Term limits, which have been in place for years in the office of the President, should be equally applicable for members of Congress as well.  No one needs to have a vested interest in remaining in Congress…that only makes the gap between one side and the other wider.
As millennia go, what happened in Germany in the 1930’s was just an eye-blink back.  A prominent German journalist, Heinrich Heine had this to say, "Wherever they burn books, in the end will also burn human beings.", and he was eighty years ahead of his time when he said it.   Anyone who lived through World War 2, as I did, knows about the burning of books…and people.   That was Germany then, and Europe now, as the Muslim hordes invade the continent.   Charles Martel, “the Hammer”, stopped the Muslim invasion at the battle of Tours in 732, but now, in modern times the barbarians are not stopping at Tours …they are planning to take over Europe and, from the looks of things, they are going to succeed by about 2030.   When your population ages, and there isn’t enough of a replacement population to keep things going, another population is going to come in and take over.   That’s is what happened, and continues to happen, in Europe.  The native Europeans were simply not having enough children to keep going…so they brought in, or allowed in, thousands of Muslims.   Demographics show that Muslims breed four to five times more children than do the host countries.
In the legal dictionary this is what it says about a subpoena: “A subpoena is an order directed to an individual commanding him to appear in court on a certain day to testify or produce documents in a pending lawsuit. The power to subpoena a person is granted officers of the court, such as clerks of courts, attorneys and judges. A person may be subpoenaed to appear in court or any designated location to provide testimony for trial or deposition or produce documents or other evidence. A subpoena which requests items be brought with the person is called a "subpoena duces tecum".   Now, having that definition, wouldn’t you think that ignoring a subpoena would bring an arrest, and place the person in jail?   How is it then, that government people get called to testify and simply refuse or ignore the subpoena?   Are they, somehow, above the law that you and I must follow?   While we’re on the subject of appearing somewhere to testify, it seems to me that we have an awful lot of “hearings” and very few “doings”.   When a decision is reached in a hearing, why isn’t it carried out promptly?   Why do we need hearings on hearings, when guilt or innocence has already been established?   Congress is just too committee-minded and not enough action-oriented for my taste.
Back in June, the Senate blocked a $1.1 billion bill to combat the Zika virus, and a Florida senator said that would cause hardships in the state.   The bill, if it had become law, would have cut $750 million from other health programs to fund anti-Zika efforts. The bill also would have cut $543 million in unused funds from the implementation of Obamacare, $107 million from leftover funds used to fight Ebola, and $100 million in administrative funds from the Health and Human Services Department.   To my way of thinking, if you have a plan to fight a disease, and you can save money by cutting waste from other programs, why would you not do that?   The Democrats said that Republicans had inserted a provision cutting financing from the Affordable Care Act,  and that they had stripped a House provision that would ban the flying of the Confederate battle flag in federal cemeteries.   Tell me how you connect the Zika virus with the Confederate flag?

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