MUSINGS... Now and again, Americans should
look back at the past because, as George Santyana said, Those who do not
remember the past are condemned to repeat it.World War II was the most
destructive conflict in history. It cost more money, damaged more property,
killed more people, and caused more far-reaching changes than any other war in
history. The wars following World War
Two, while they might be just as violent, don’t compare in scope to The Big
One. In the late 1930’s the United States
was about 17 down on the list of nations considered to be world powers. At the end of the war we were the one and
only superpower. In the 1930s, the U.S.
Army had only about 130,000 soldiers, making it the sixteenth largest force in
the world, smaller than Czechoslovakia,
Poland, Turkey, Spain,
and Romania. At one facility, Willow Run, it was said that
they turned out a complete B-24 Liberator bomber every 55 minutes. Between 1939 and 1945, the Allies dropped
3.4 million tons of bombs, which averaged to 27,700 tons per month.From
1940-1945, the U.S. defense
budget increased form $1.9 billion to $59.8 billion.At the time of the Pearl Harbor attack, there were 96 ships anchored. During
the attack, 18 were sunk or seriously damaged, including eight battleships.
There were 2,402 American men killed and 1,280 injured. Three hundred and fifty
aircraft were destroyed or damaged.
More than 650,000
Jeeps were built during WWII. American factories also produced 300,000 military
aircraft; 89,000 tanks; 3 million machine guns; and 7 million rifles. In 1944 alone, the United States manufactured 96,318
aircraft. We made 60,973 tanks. Rifles and carbines made during the war
totaled 12,500,000. Hollywood played its part, and not just by
making movies, but providing real heroes.
Several famous actors were decorated during WWII. For example, Henry
Fonda won a Bronze Star in the Pacific, Walter Matthau was awarded six battle
stars while serving on a B-17, and David Niven was awarded the U.S. Legion of
Merit. Ernest Borgnine and Tony Curtis
both served in the Navy and Jimmy Stewart and Clark Gable flew combat missions
over Europe.
So…why am I telling you this?
Because, my friends, the United
States is facing an enemy more heinous, more
sinister, more barbaric, than the Nazis…and that’s saying something.
Somebody sent me a
picture of Ronald Reagan with the caption, “If I were still around IS-IS would
be was-was.” We’ve had several really
good men in the Oval Office…men that knew what was needed and took the
necessary action. Sadly, what we have
now is a person who’s devoted to denigrating the United States, reducing it to a
second, or third-world, entity. Because
his agenda was carefully planned, even though he announced what he was going to
do, and he moves in baby steps, the American public has been largely agreeable
to whatever he proposes, and the feckless Congress goes along, seemingly more
interested in their individual re-election, their party’s power and whatever
else they can negotiate for themselves…instead of the security of the country
in which they live and have sworn an oath to protect.
In about the same
time it took for the Obamacare website to get up and running…and it still isn’t
running as good as Amazon or even H&R Block, the United States rose to
become a world power, out-producing every other country, and contributed
mightily to winning World War Two. From
a nation deep into a depression to the most powerful country on the face of the
earth…ever, in about 6 years…the same number of years we’ve had an
appeaser-in-chief in the White House. Arthur
Neville Chamberlain was a British Conservative politician who served as Prime
Minister of the United
Kingdom from May 1937 to May 1940.
Chamberlain is best known for his appeasement foreign policy, and in particular
for his signing of the Munich Agreement in 1938, conceding the German speaking
Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia
to Germany. Like Obama, Chamberlain took the word of a
warmonger, and like Chamberlain, our country will suffer the consequences.
There were several
decisive battles, both in the European theater of operations and the
Pacific. The battle of Kasserine Pass in
Tunisia, as an example, where our untested troops went up against seasoned
German troops and was significant as the
first large-scale meeting of American and German forces in World War II, the
relatively untested and poorly led American troops suffered heavy casualties
and were pushed back over 50 mi from their positions west of Faid Pass in the
initial days of the battle.In the aftermath, the U.S. Army instituted sweeping
changes from unit-level organization to the replacing of commanders. When the
same combatants next met, in some cases only weeks later, the U.S. forces were
considerably more effective.The Siege of Bastogne was an engagement in December
1944 between American and German forces at the Belgian town of Bastogne, as part
of the larger Battle of the Bulge.The siege lasted from December 20–27 when the
besieged American forces were relieved by elements of General George Patton's
Third Army. In the Pacific, the
island-hopping campaign raged, and several significant battles were
fought. The Battle of Guadalcanal and
codenamed Operation Watchtower by Allied forces, was a military campaign fought
between 7 August 1942 and 9 February 1943 on and around the island of Guadalcanal
in the Pacific theatre of World War II. It was the first major offensive by
Allied forces against the Empire of Japan.
Guadalcanal marked
the transition by the Allies from defensive operations to the strategic
offensive in that theatre and the beginning of offensive operations, including the
Solomon Islands, New
Guinea, and Central Pacific campaigns. There was the Marianas
“turkey shoot”, so named because of the ratio of Japanese planes shot down as
compared to Americans. There was
Saipan, Iwo Jima and Okinawa also, all with
horrendous losses of American troops. Australia, which was to have been the prize in the
Japanese conquest plan, was never taken and I like to think it was because of
our PT boats, one of which was commanded by a certain Navy LT named Kennedy. Folks, I bring this up because our
once-vaunted armed forces are not respected or feared anymore. We are a paper tiger.
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