If you needed any more proof that Barack Hussein Obama(and
I love those American names) is a nut-job, just keep watching the news. In the face of the terror attacks in Paris, and the potential for attacks in the United States,
he still maintains that global warming or climate change, is the biggest threat
to the world. According to the MedLine
medical dictionary “delusion” is a false belief regarding the self or persons
or objects outside the self that persists despite the facts and occurs in some
psychotic states. So there it is…he is
delusional because he believes that what he says is going to come true when the
rest of the world knows, and says, differently. There was an online video circulating, from Egypt,
and the three commentators all acknowledged that our
Muslim-in-chief was a nut-job and that he was deliberately bringing
down his own country. One of them went
so far as to call him insane, and I have to concur with that assessment. Unfortunately, that video turned out to be a
hoax, but I’ll bet that, in private, that’s exactly what they DO
think of our mush-for-brains leader.
ROE, or rules of engagement, for our troops actually put the odds in favor of
the enemy. You cannot fight a war if
you are worrying about innocent people getting killed…because that is going to
happen. The Russians, the French, and
the Jordanians, all sent sorties to hit established targets…targets that, in
some cases, our Defense Department knew about but didn’t nothing about. The question is, if we knew about these
targets, why didn’t our nut-job in the White House do something about
them? The Russians are using long-range
heavy bombers which, I understand, are some of the same ones that have been
skirting our own west coast. They are
comparable to our B-52’s, many of which are sitting in the desert, being cannibalized.
says we shouldn’t put our boots on the ground in this fight, but we already
have at
least 50 troopers over there…as advisors. In looking at this situation, it seems that
the enemy just has to pick them off one-by-one and we will not be sending any
more to replace them. What happened to
the troops we sent, again as advisors, to root out Boko Haram? Why are we not doing the same as the
Russians…using heavy bombers to level known hideouts of the bad guys? Instead of dropping leaflets, which only
help the bad guys to know our plans, we should be carpet-bombing Raaqa until
it’s nothing but flattened ground. The ISIS leaders are getting money through the sale of oil,
so why are we not flattening the refineries, which can be rebuilt later? The so-called surgical strikes, using a
drone to get one or two guys, is expensive.
A “dumb” bomb, if you use enough of them, will do the same job.
can only be a few outcomes of this war in the muddled Middle
East. The ISIS people will
win, take over huge patches of land and declare a caliphate(which they’re close
to doing now), the West will band together for the common defense and root out
ISIS and kill every single one of them, or some lunatic will use a tactical
nuclear weapon and World War Three will start…and that may have already
started, without the nuke being used.
Countries have treaties with other countries, so that in time of danger,
they come to the aid of their friends.
More and more, under the mis-guidance of the nut-job in the White House,
we are losing friends almost on a daily basis.
He does not listen to his military advisors and fires those Generals and
Admirals that have the temerity to voice an opinion that he doesn’t like. So, what advisors does he listen to? Valerie Jarrett? Susan
Rice? Obviously he’s not listening to
his FBI chief. His head honcho at
Homeland Security is really just a political hack and the job is a payback for
his support. In fact, that’s probably
the case in most of his appointments…you work for me, I give you a cushy job
with a great title, but no real power.
The power, which is supposed to be equally divided between the three
branches of government, now rests solely with the Executive branch and the
lawless so-called President.
that asks can get a straight answer from me and there are things that can, and
should, be done to bring this country back from the pit into which we’ve been
thrown. A hero of mine, Neal Boortz,
once likened the illegal alien problem like a boat in the middle of a
lake. The boat is the Southern
border. The boat springs a leak that
could sink it. The leak, of course, are
the thousands of illegal aliens flowing into the country…and now being
imported. So the question is, do you
continually bail out the water, or do you stop the leak first and then bail out
the water? It’s illogical what we’re
doing about illegal alien migrations.
In a sense, we are importing the very people that
want to, and will try to, kill us.
American people have a right to abolish a government that is not treating them
as they should be treated…and maybe it’s time to think seriously about doing