Sunday, November 29, 2015


            If you needed any more proof that Barack Hussein Obama(and I love those American names) is a nut-job, just keep watching the news.  In the face of the terror attacks in Paris, and the potential for attacks in the United States, he still maintains that global warming or climate change, is the biggest threat to the world.   According to the MedLine medical dictionary “delusion” is a false belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that persists despite the facts and occurs in some psychotic states.   So there it is…he is delusional because he believes that what he says is going to come true when the rest of the world knows, and says, differently.   There was an online video circulating, from Egypt, and the three commentators all acknowledged that our Muslim-in-chief was a nut-job and that he was deliberately bringing down his own country.   One of them went so far as to call him insane, and I have to concur with that assessment.  Unfortunately, that video turned out to be a hoax, but I’ll bet that, in private, that’s exactly what they DO think of our mush-for-brains leader.
            The ROE, or rules of engagement, for our troops actually put the odds in favor of the enemy.   You cannot fight a war if you are worrying about innocent people getting killed…because that is going to happen.   The Russians, the French, and the Jordanians, all sent sorties to hit established targets…targets that, in some cases, our Defense Department knew about but didn’t nothing about.  The question is, if we knew about these targets, why didn’t our nut-job in the White House do something about them?   The Russians are using long-range heavy bombers which, I understand, are some of the same ones that have been skirting our own west coast.   They are comparable to our B-52’s, many of which are sitting in the desert, being cannibalized.
            Everybody says we shouldn’t put our boots on the ground in this fight, but we already have at least 50 troopers over there…as advisors.   In looking at this situation, it seems that the enemy just has to pick them off one-by-one and we will not be sending any more to replace them.   What happened to the troops we sent, again as advisors, to root out Boko Haram?   Why are we not doing the same as the Russians…using heavy bombers to level known hideouts of the bad guys?   Instead of dropping leaflets, which only help the bad guys to know our plans, we should be carpet-bombing Raaqa until it’s nothing but flattened ground.   The ISIS leaders are getting money through the sale of oil, so why are we not flattening the refineries, which can be rebuilt later?   The so-called surgical strikes, using a drone to get one or two guys, is expensive.   A “dumb” bomb, if you use enough of them, will do the same job.
            There can only be a few outcomes of this war in the muddled Middle East.   The ISIS people will win, take over huge patches of land and declare a caliphate(which they’re close to doing now), the West will band together for the common defense and root out ISIS and kill every single one of them, or some lunatic will use a tactical nuclear weapon and World War Three will start…and that may have already started, without the nuke being used.   Countries have treaties with other countries, so that in time of danger, they come to the aid of their friends.   More and more, under the mis-guidance of the nut-job in the White House, we are losing friends almost on a daily basis.   He does not listen to his military advisors and fires those Generals and Admirals that have the temerity to voice an opinion that he doesn’t like.   So, what advisors does he listen to?   Valerie Jarrett?   Susan Rice?   Obviously he’s not listening to his FBI chief.   His head honcho at Homeland Security is really just a political hack and the job is a payback for his support.   In fact, that’s probably the case in most of his appointments…you work for me, I give you a cushy job with a great title, but no real power.   The power, which is supposed to be equally divided between the three branches of government, now rests solely with the Executive branch and the lawless so-called President.
            Anyone that asks can get a straight answer from me and there are things that can, and should, be done to bring this country back from the pit into which we’ve been thrown.   A hero of mine, Neal Boortz, once likened the illegal alien problem like a boat in the middle of a lake.  The boat is the Southern border.  The boat springs a leak that could sink it.  The leak, of course, are the thousands of illegal aliens flowing into the country…and now being imported.  So the question is, do you continually bail out the water, or do you stop the leak first and then bail out the water?     It’s illogical what we’re doing about illegal alien migrations.   In a sense, we are importing the very people that want to, and will try to, kill us.
            The American people have a right to abolish a government that is not treating them as they should be treated…and maybe it’s time to think seriously about doing that.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

What are YOU doing for America…and yourself?

 What are YOU doing for America…and yourself?
            Each week my program closes with a quote from President Kennedy asking what you can do for your country.   Veterans know what to do because they’ve done it, and have been given a lousy deal in return.   Congress, and that’s both sides of the aisle, have been surgically altered, apparently, because they have no spine and no testicles.
Americans, that is the generations coming up behind mine, are quietly receptive of the pap they are being fed, and never realizing that what they’re becoming is a nation of sheep…and rather ignorant sheep at that.   It’s no secret that our government is corrupt, and it’s been that way for generations.  In all fairness, it hasn’t been just the current administration although they are the most blatant in their desire to see America crushed.
            There was a time, and I’ve said this before, when we were top dog, king of the hill, the one and only…but that position of eminence seems to have been taken away from us.  The halo that once topped our head has slipped and become a noose, and we are not doing much about it.   Our politicians are on the take, from every quarter, and for any reason you can think of.  Perhaps it’s time to just vote everybody out, start fresh with a new resolve to stick to what really made this country great…the Constitution.  We are trashing it, we are shredding it, we are ignoring it…we are doing everything but following it.   Where do you think that’s going to get us?   Is there a knight in shining armor, on a white horse, coming to save us?   I think not.
            My father used to tell me that if I needed a helping hand there was one at the end of each of my arms.   That, if you want to translate it as I have, means that whatever needs to be done is going to have to be done by you…and not you alone, but by millions of you.  Another saying to think about is “If not now, when, and if not me, who?”.   The American people have the Constitutional right to abolish the government when it no longer serves the people.   That’s in the Declaration of Independence and while that document severed the relationship between the colonies and England, it could very well apply to the present situation.   We need to separate ourselves from a government that is not doing its job.   The American Revolutionary war might be considered a military coup, and since we have the law on our side, why not have another one?
            You and I and millions like us can raise our voices and call for the complete removal of all the current administration and all members of Congress.   Oh, you think that’s too drastic?   Think of the government as a cancer, which it is in many cases, and what do you do with a cancer?   You excise it before it kills you.   Recent elections, where we thought the new members of Congress were going to be a breath of fresh air turned out to be only stale vapors and it was business as usual.  Speaking for myself that’s not an option that should continue.   Yes, I write to my elected officials, but what do I get?   Form letters that do not address, in any way, what I have written them.   That, to me, is not a responsive government and if they are not going to be responsive to what the public wants and expresses a need for, they have to go.
            So, my friends, it looks like protests get their attention…as witness Ferguson, Baltimore, Black Lives Matter and on and on.  What about a couple of million steadfast Americans marching on Washington demanding the impeachment, indictment and incarceration of the entire current administration?   Would that get their attention?
Hmm…I wonder how long it will be before “the suits” and guys with earpieces, will show up and conservative talkers will begin having “heart attacks” or “auto accidents”.   There’s been enough stuff done in real life, as well as on TV and in books, so that it should be well-known that accidents can be staged, heart attacks can be made to happen and people can disappear and never be heard from again.
            When Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin begin to have these occurrences that will be the time for me to worry…but for now, I’m going to continue to have my say and I sincerely hope that it’s making a difference somewhere, somehow.   In particular, I want to address the American Jews.  Are you so far removed from World War Two that it is ancient history?   Are you so far removed from World War Two that you cannot remember the concentration camps…the gas chambers…the ovens?   Do you have expectations that your wealth, your education, your gated community is going to save you?
Here’s a quote you should pay attention to…”Secure our borders first. Let us know and let us make sure the American people know that we're taking care of the important business of dealing with the illegal immigration into this country. You cannot begin to address the concerns of the people who are already here unless and until you have made certain that no more are coming in behind them.” by Michael Steele former Lt. Governor of Maryland.

Larry’s blog for November 23, 2015  What are YOU doing for America…and yourself?
            Each week my program closes with a quote from President Kennedy asking what you can do for your country.   Veterans know what to do because they’ve done it, and have been given a lousy deal in return.   Congress, and that’s both sides of the aisle, have been surgically altered, apparently, because they have no spine and no testicles.
Americans, that is the generations coming up behind mine, are quietly receptive of the pap they are being fed, and never realizing that what they’re becoming is a nation of sheep…and rather ignorant sheep at that.   It’s no secret that our government is corrupt, and it’s been that way for generations.  In all fairness, it hasn’t been just the current administration although they are the most blatant in their desire to see America crushed.
            There was a time, and I’ve said this before, when we were top dog, king of the hill, the one and only…but that position of eminence seems to have been taken away from us.  The halo that once topped our head has slipped and become a noose, and we are not doing much about it.   Our politicians are on the take, from every quarter, and for any reason you can think of.  Perhaps it’s time to just vote everybody out, start fresh with a new resolve to stick to what really made this country great…the Constitution.  We are trashing it, we are shredding it, we are ignoring it…we are doing everything but following it.   Where do you think that’s going to get us?   Is there a knight in shining armor, on a white horse, coming to save us?   I think not.
            My father used to tell me that if I needed a helping hand there was one at the end of each of my arms.   That, if you want to translate it as I have, means that whatever needs to be done is going to have to be done by you…and not you alone, but by millions of you.  Another saying to think about is “If not now, when, and if not me, who?”.   The American people have the Constitutional right to abolish the government when it no longer serves the people.   That’s in the Declaration of Independence and while that document severed the relationship between the colonies and England, it could very well apply to the present situation.   We need to separate ourselves from a government that is not doing its job.   The American Revolutionary war might be considered a military coup, and since we have the law on our side, why not have another one?
            You and I and millions like us can raise our voices and call for the complete removal of all the current administration and all members of Congress.   Oh, you think that’s too drastic?   Think of the government as a cancer, which it is in many cases, and what do you do with a cancer?   You excise it before it kills you.   Recent elections, where we thought the new members of Congress were going to be a breath of fresh air turned out to be only stale vapors and it was business as usual.  Speaking for myself that’s not an option that should continue.   Yes, I write to my elected officials, but what do I get?   Form letters that do not address, in any way, what I have written them.   That, to me, is not a responsive government and if they are not going to be responsive to what the public wants and expresses a need for, they have to go.
            So, my friends, it looks like protests get their attention…as witness Ferguson, Baltimore, Black Lives Matter and on and on.  What about a couple of million steadfast Americans marching on Washington demanding the impeachment, indictment and incarceration of the entire current administration?   Would that get their attention?
Hmm…I wonder how long it will be before “the suits” and guys with earpieces, will show up and conservative talkers will begin having “heart attacks” or “auto accidents”.   There’s been enough stuff done in real life, as well as on TV and in books, so that it should be well-known that accidents can be staged, heart attacks can be made to happen and people can disappear and never be heard from again.
            When Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin begin to have these occurrences that will be the time for me to worry…but for now, I’m going to continue to have my say and I sincerely hope that it’s making a difference somewhere, somehow.   In particular, I want to address the American Jews.  Are you so far removed from World War Two that it is ancient history?   Are you so far removed from World War Two that you cannot remember the concentration camps…the gas chambers…the ovens?   Do you have expectations that your wealth, your education, your gated community is going to save you?
Here’s a quote you should pay attention to…”Secure our borders first. Let us know and let us make sure the American people know that we're taking care of the important business of dealing with the illegal immigration into this country. You cannot begin to address the concerns of the people who are already here unless and until you have made certain that no more are coming in behind them.” by Michael Steele former Lt. Governor of Maryland.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

            If you’re reading this, you’re on a computer and, if you’re on a computer you know the meaning of nonsense, right?  It’s my contention that much of what comes out of Washington is nonsense and then it’s disseminated to the rest of the country…and sometimes to the rest of the world.   An example of that would be when the so-called leader of the free world goes on national television and says that he has no strategy to combat terrorists…or when he calls those terrorists a junior varsity(JV) team and then in a later interview says they are a potent threat, or words to that effect.
            How about needing a special permit to utter something, on a college campus?  Not only do you need a special permit, but you can only do it in certain places at certain times!   When did we deep-six the United States Constitution?   When did freedom of speech fall into the hands of people who don’t believe in it?   Oh sure, you still cannot shout “fire” in a theatre and that sort of thing, but having an open discussion, or a difference of opinion in a place where the ideas should be flowing like a river, and to be punished for it?
            The American flag, a symbol of what this country stands for, or used to, can now be prohibited from flying.   As memory serves me, no flag flies above ours, at least in this country…but it’s been done.   The flag has been ordered to be taken down from apartments where it was displayed in the windows.   It has been ordered to be removed from the bed of pickup trucks where it was flying high.   Any representation of it, in certain places, cannot be worn to schools, work, or protests, lest it offend someone.  In most of the cases of offending someone it’s either Muslims or atheists.
            Muslims and atheists…now there’s a combination for you.   The former believes that unless you believe like they do 100%, you’re going to be killed.   The latter, the  atheists, who don’t believe in any religion might be their first target…but then, I could be wrong on that.  Maybe Christians and Jews, regardless of whether they were atheists or not.   Freedom of religion in the United States means just that, but it doesn’t mean that one religion(or in this case a cult) shall force everyone else to kowtow to them, or die.   Muslims, it seems, are offended by just about anything…if the sun comes up in the morning, or if it’s a starry night, I’m sure that would be offensive to some of them.   Why, if they despise everything that we stand for, don’t they all find a perfect home in one of the Islamic-controlled countries?  Oh, that’s right, they want to dominate the world.   It’s their way or the highway…if you live to make it to the highway.
            Our Constitution, like most brilliantly-conceived pieces, has amendments to it.   These amendments come about because society changes and we have to change with it.
We tried prohibition of liquor, but that didn’t work, so it was repealed.   We had an age limit for voting, for entry into the armed forces, and some states wanted different ages for that, so there was a change.   The founding fathers, in their wisdom, devised a three legged government, with each leg having equal powers so that we wouldn’t wind up under a dictator or a king.   Of course, that was dependent upon each branch doing their proper thing.   As you well know, the Congress has had its spine and testicles surgically removed by the occupant of the White House and the Supreme Court has also fallen under the spell of the Svengali-like character in the Oval Office.
            America, once the shining city on the hill, as described by an actor-turned-politician, has become the shanty in old shanty town.   We have almost more people dependent on the government for some sort of subsistence, than are working.   There is a huge number of people who have simply quit looking for work and accepted the handouts the government is more than willing to give.   Government, as practiced by this administration, is determined to have as many people dependent on it as possible because dependence equals subservience.   The government is the plantation of the time before the war between the states, and the recipients of government largesse are the field hands working(or in this case not working) to keep the plantation going.
            Education in this country is a joke…and not a funny one at that.   There are a few people on TV, that go around asking basic questions about America…how it’s governed, what laws are being proposed, who’s this person(being shown a picture) and the results are appalling.   The ignorance and apathy displayed should make anyone that cares about this country cringe and want to shake these young people(and some old ones too) and find out why they are the way they are…but we know, don’t we?   In the 1960’s it was the norm to treat small children as if they were adults, to allow them this and that, some sort of laissez-faire, which is  part of a larger French phrase and literally translates to "let (it/them) do", but in this context usually means to "let go".   We are reaping that whirlwind now that we sowed back then.

Saturday, November 7, 2015


            It seems to be human nature that, in times where things are going against you, you ask yourself, “Why me?”   There have been times in my life, both as a child and as an adult, when I asked that question.   When my father would hear that from me he had a standard answer and it was “Why not you?”   He thought that no one was that special that they could dodge the various less-than-good things that came along.   Presidents,
leaders of the military, politicians, celebrities of all sorts have encountered an event at some point in their life where they asked that question.
            We, the American people, have asked that question as a nation, and as over 300 million individuals.   Situations arise that may aggravate you, might make you look inside yourself, or make you question whether or not you should be doing, or not doing, what the situation demands.   Why me?   A veteran, lying in a hospital bed somewhere, realizing that for whatever has taken place, his or her life will never be the same, asks that question.   Perhaps the question arises as he or she is leading a charge to the enemy, or their aircraft or ship has been hit and they suffered wounds.   Veterans are almost traditional in their reluctance to discuss things they’ve been forced to do in order to survive, and at that point they ask themselves, “Why me?”.
            So…why not you?   Some of us Americans think that because we ARE Americans we should be exempt from taking part in world affairs.   Then there are others that would say if not me, who…and if not now, when?   You, and you alone, are truly responsible for your actions.   Oh sure, you can say that you’re just following orders, or that you had peer pressure to do whatever it was that you did…but in the end, you must ask yourself “Why me?”.   You’re not chosen out of millions to be a fall guy.   You haven’t been picked out to be a sucker.   No one has elected you to be the patsy.
            For many years now, our armed forces have been all-volunteer so even the threat of the draft is not there.   No one has had their number picked out of a big bowl, and realized that they may have to go fight a war…maybe lose a limb or two, or even their life.   That’s a decision you make all on your own.   That’s a decision that places you in the ranks of heroes.   That’s a decision that answers the question of “Why me?”, and you know the answer…”Why not you?”
            “I am super proud of being an American, but we fail our veterans every day.”
----Laurie Halse Anderson.   I don’t know who that lady is, but that’s a good thought, and here’s another one…”As young West Point cadets, our motto was 'duty, honor, country.' But it was in the field, from the rice paddies of Southeast Asia to the sands of the Middle East, that I learned that motto's fullest meaning. There I saw gallant young Americans of every race, creed and background fight, and sometimes die, for 'duty, honor, and their country.'”----Norman Schwarzkopf and my personal favorite…“A Veteran Is Someone Who, at one point, wrote a blank check made payable to ‘The United States of America’ for an amount of ‘up to and including their life.’ That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.”   To the veterans who have asked “Why me?”, I think you know the answer…because it was the right thing to do.   Some gave all…all gave some.   Thank you for your service.

Sunday, November 1, 2015


            We’ve just gotten over Halloween, or as it started out, All Hallows Eve, and according to Wikipedia, it’s a yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day. It begins the three-day observance of Allhallowtide,  the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed believers.   For many of us, our children and grandchildren experience it as a night for gathering as much candy and other goodies as possible.   We used to say “trick or treat”, but nobody ever tricked, at least no one that I can remember.   My friends and I didn’t need any sort of holiday or reason to trick someone, and we had some really good ones.
There was the phantom knock on the door and the barricaded street…they were the two most popular because they were the easiest to do with the best results.
            The phantom knock on the door went like this…at night you looked for a front door that had a knocker on it.   Tie some black fishing line to the door,  wind it around a tree and sit on the front steps of a house next to your target.  A couple of pulls on the line and the knocker tells the people inside that someone is at the front door…but when they open the door there’s no one there.  They close the door and then you repeat the trick…it’s usually good for at least two, and sometimes three times.
            The barricaded street was really an illusion, and again it was at night.   Two or three kids on each side of the street would wait until a car came along and then they would mimic pulling on some sort of a barricade…like a rope or a cable.  The driver would see what he thought was a barricade and come to a screeching halt.  Then we all ran away to wait for the next car.   Good clean fun and no messy cleanup as might be involved in toilet-papering a tree or a house…and that was just a waste of money too.
            Again, from Wikipedia, there’s this…Walpurgis Night is the English translation of Walpurgisnacht, one of the German names for the night of 30 April, so called because it is the eve of the feast day of Saint Walpurga, an 8th-century abbess in Germania. In Germanic folklore Walpurgisnacht, also called Hexennacht literally "Witches' Night", is believed to be the night of a witches' meeting on the Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains, a range of wooded hills in central Germany between the rivers Weser and Elbe. The first known written occurrence of the English translation 'Walpurgis Night' is from the 19th century.   Local variants of Walpurgis Night are observed across Europe in the Netherlands, Germany, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland and Estonia.   In the United States, Walpurgisnacht is one of the major holidays celebrated within LaVeyan Satanism and is the anniversary of the founding of the Church of Satan.
            France has a liberation day, much like our 4th of July, with some similarities.   Both of our countries sought to remove themselves from the tyranny of a king.   We had George and they had Louis.   Bastille Day, symbolizes the end of the constitutional monarchy, and the beginning of the democratic republic of France.   There again, both countries went to a republic rather than a democracy and if you don’t know the difference, well, that’s for another time.   On July 14, 1789,  in France, there was an uprising against the constitutional monarchy.   The Bastille was actually a prison, and it was a symbol of the monarchy.   The people wanted a reconciliation for all of France, to promote unity, and purse liberty from the monarchy.
            As reported in the Huffington Post on April 7th, 2014, Each spring, people flock to Kawasaki, Japan, to celebrate Kanamara Matsuri, aka the "Festival of the Steel Phallus."
 The festival is a celebration of the penis and fertility. People parade gigantic phallic-shaped mikoshi (portable Shinto shrines) down the streets during the event, as revelers suck on penis lollipops, buy penis-themed memorabilia and pose with sculptures in the shape of -- you guessed it -- penises.   According to the BBC, the festival is believed to have roots in the 17th century, when prostitutes are said to have prayed for protection from sexually transmitted infections at Kawasaki's Kanamara shrine.   Today, the festival reportedly raises awareness about safe sex practices and fundraises for HIV prevention.
            May 17th, in Norway, is their Constitution Day.   The Constitution of Norway was signed at Eidsvoll on May 17 in the year 1814. The constitution declared Norway to be an independent kingdom in an attempt to avoid being ceded to Sweden after Denmark–Norway's devastating defeat in the Napoleonic Wars.   Once again, sort of, it was a move away from a king to a democracy.   By historical coincidence, the Second World War ended in Norway nine days before that year's Constitution Day, on May 8, 1945.       You see, then, that there are happy occasions, occasions of war and remembrance, and some just silly ones.   Whatever the reason, a person can always find something to celebrate, somewhere in the world, so enjoy!
     Larry Usoff, US Navy Retired